Day 7- Reflections on Moscow

I think I'm getting a sore neck from looking up so much. You can't walk a block in Moscow without meeting something tall and pointy. But actually you can't walk a block, as half of the roads still seem to be under construction. So there is a contrast- on one hand Moscow is mighty, extravagant and simply huge; but on the other hand it doesn't take long to spot where corners have been cut. Polished golden rooftops reach into the sky, while below, abandoned portaloos fester on a muddy riverbank.

It was contrast that interested me yesterday too- the intention of my photos in the metro were to capture the juxtaposition of the sublime setting and the mundane purpose, of historical monuments with the rush of city life. Indeed, today I found myself not really noticing the chandeliers, the ornate marble, the mosaic ceilings... It is, after all, just a subway.

Emerging from subterranean life, I joined ten thousand Chinese tourists this morning to visit the Kremlin. (The Chinese do seem to take tourism very seriously- I saw a discussion over the composition of a selfie turn into a shouting match). In a way, it was a let down, as I think I preferred the mystery of what riches could possibly lie beyond those vast, impenetrable walls. I was just as interested in the sky, which turned from stormy to blue half a dozen times in a day, making photos of those tall pointy things a little more interesting, perhaps. Yes, there is a pun intended when I say reflections.



All in all, I think I am ready to move on from the noise of the city. I've heard there's this train called the Trans-Siberian that should do the job!


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    1. ...and Harry messaged to say he is on the train, but without wifi. So dear readers, don't be alarmed if there are no updates for a little while...

    2. ...and has reached Beijing , but not yet able to update as Google accounts are blocked...


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