Day 1- Vote and Go

Today is Election Day. It is also leaving day for me. With a long road ahead, both for our country's politics and to get to New Zealand, the mood could be summed up as unsure.

This photo was taken in the park just upside my home in Perth, as I found myself sympathising with two young birds who didn't seem too sure where they were going!

Don't worry, I'm actually much more excited about leaving than these two!

Leaving Home

The chorus argued that their polyphony
Could still be heard against the rain,
Which to them sounded like applause
As it met the fresh green of early summer.

Lost, however, were two uncertain voices;
"What lies beyond the nest?
What will tomorrow bring?"
They tried their best to sing.

The most historic thing about today is actually that I (partially) uploaded this post from an ipad. Am I finally giving in to technology?


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