Day 12- Orshuck


We left footprints on the dunes and
Carved words with our fingers
In sand that filled our shoes,
But soon they would be gone.

We felt on our necks the
Glare of a desert sun
That parched the ground, squinted our eyes,
But soon it would be dark.

We marvelled at a vast horizon of
Shattered stone and scattered scrub,
Not knowing that behind it lay
The end to all horizons.

We wiped sweat from our brow,
Pacing slowly through air that
Hung, heavy and hot in our faces,
But soon we would be cold.

We lazed and horses grazed
And for a hundred miles there was
Silence enough to imagine hearing
The scratching of a black beetle on the mountain.

After it passed, we let go
The frame of the ger with a shudder of relief,
As if forgiven at last for a sin,
Permitted again to stretch, to laugh, to open

The door, to find the wind still threatening
Our eyes with the final scraps of dust
Left behind in a landscape
We had considered paradise.



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